https://albertasnowmobile.ca/ . Reminder to purchase your annual Trail Pass - $100 after January 1, 2025!!
As of Jan 15, 2025!
-Baytex Wesley Creek is in good condition.
-Osmond/Getaway Cabins Leddy Lake trail is in good condition.
-Zavisha Smithills trail is in good condition.
-Canfor Hines Creek trail is in good condition.
The Peace River area has been under very mild, snow melting conditions the last few days, so the club has not been on every km of our trails, so this report is with the best information available!
All of the club trails are in good to great condition in some heavy forested areas, to poor in open low treed areas, so watch that your sleds do not overheat. Use snow on the side of the trail while traveling to keep them cool.
Long track mountain sleds should be watched closer, but possible to be used by more experienced riders
Weekly Happenings:
Coffee Drop-In: Join us every Thursday at 10:00 AM at Tim Hortons for a casual snowmobiling chat.
Wednesday Wanderers: Hit the trails every Wednesday (weather permitting). All are welcome! Contact Brian Montgomery at montybc@telus.net or 780-219-1874 for details.
Save the Date!The Peace Valley Snow Riders 2025 Poker Rally is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, March 1, 2025 (weather permitting). This year’s rally will take place on the East Loop of the Zavisha Smith Mills Trail. Stay tuned for more details!
Peace Valley Snow Riders Logo Contest
Win $100 Tim Horton's Gift Certificate! Entries in by Feb 1, 2025. See "More Club Info' section for all the details!!!
Our club would like to thank everyone that volunteered with trail preparation and maintenance and all that sponsored or contributed equipment or time to make our trails what they were this year.
And I would like to thank all the people used our trails and bought passes to support the club.
And to all future trail pass purchasers next year.
If you want to help the CLUB by volunteering, please contact myself at number or email below or CLUB members you know on how and when to help us.
We thank you for your help and see you soon on CLUB trails.
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